Ideas For Final Project
- City's Our Campus (College in NYC)
I wanted to do this because as youngsters in the city, NYC really is our campus. Being in college and living in NY isn't the ideal and typical college experience. We didn't spend an exponentially great number of hours in frat houses doing keg stands and having themed parties, rather our nights consisted of hanging out on Brooklyn rooftops, corner bodegas and partying with the millionaires/weirdos. Suits, hobos, young, old, fat, skinny, short, tall – we encountered an entire spectrum of human beings everyday on our way to class because we make up a very distinct minority in the city that never sleeps. With all this to say, I felt the need to express how we experience college here.
- Love Affairs
- NYC Diversity
This is really what attracted me to NYC in the first place so I would love to be able to photograph this. Diversity is all over the city and this doesn't necessarily mean race wise. There are so many kinds of people, cultures, religions in the city. I want to be able to emphasize this especially on subways, that is a place where diversity is flourishing with people from all over on one train. I want diversity to the theme in any of the topics I chose for my project. Meaning even if I chose to do "Love Affairs" I want that to be as diverse as possible.
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